
Preparation for WC23 with Glódís Rún and HorseDay | YouTube video

Ásta Björk Friðjónsdóttir
min read
Come with us as we get to know Glódís prepares for the World Championships in Orischot 2023

The journey to the World Championships has begun, and the Icelandic riders have arrived in Oirschot. We, at HorseDay, wanted to know more about the preparation and the process that follows after one knows for sure that they will be competing. That's when we got the chance to follow Glódís Rún behind the scenes. Glódís is one of the five young riders representing Iceland, and she went out with the five-gaited mare, Salka frá Efri-Brú.

We paid a visit to Sunnuhvoll and took a closer look at how they have been preparing themselves, gaining better insight into what it entails to compete in the World Championships.

This video is part 1 of 2, with the second part being released after the World Championships are over.