
October Fitness Challenge with Takt und Verstand

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October horse fitness challenge with Takt und Verstand

The October Challenge from Takt und Verstand & HorseDay is in full swing, and it's never too late to join and make your horse fitter more effectively!

Choose the gait where your horse has the most potential for improvement: trot, tölt, or canter, and work on improving endurance in this gait throughout the month. You can ride in the arena, outdoors, or in the hall, and document your progress in HorseDay. The relative improvement is what counts!

Step 1:
Determine your horse's current endurance level in the chosen gait when it’s warmed up and relaxed. Document the time your horse can maintain the chosen gait well, without getting tired or excessively panting.

Step 2:
Now, work daily to improve this time during training. It's about relative improvement, not about who lasts the longest, so everyone can participate! The key is that your horse moves actively, happily, and freely without becoming completely exhausted.

Step 3:
Document your training in HorseDay and share it with us in your stories. You could win a cool surprise package from HorseDay!

On Instagram, you can find all the information in the Story Highlights for the October Challenge, along with a template to track and share your current status.

We wish all participants lots of fun and success – for fitter horses in the winter!