
HorseDay's annual board meeting at Landsmót

Ásta Björk Friðjónsdóttir
min read
A successful meeting followed up by a delightful wine & dine with some of our closest partners and friends.

On the 5th of July, the yearly board of directors meeting for HorseDay took place, and what could be a more fitting venue than Landsmót Hestamanna, the renowned Icelandic horse festival? Most of the company’s investors were present, contributing to a highly successful and productive meeting.

Throughout 2023, HorseDay has experienced significant growth, marking a year of exceptional progress and development. That we could clearly see here at Landsmót where every single guest should be following the tournament through HorseDay! The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm as board members discussed the company's achievements and the promising future ahead.

After the formal meeting, the room opened to welcome HorseDay’s closest partners and friends for a wine and dine. This provided an excellent opportunity for networking and strengthening relationships in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.

The event highlighted both HorseDay's accomplishments and the close-knit community supporting its vision. The annual meeting at Landsmót underscored the company's thriving presence and promising future in the equestrian industry.

The board of directors meeting for the year 2023
Rúnar Guðbrandsson
Bjarki Viðarsson (programmer) taking a look inside our gift box every guest took with them home
Hrönn Greipsdóttir
Beautiful catering from Kokkarnir veisluþjónusta
Margrét, Ólafur H. Einarsson (Founder), Magnús Ingi Óskarsson & Hrönn Greipsdóttir
Sigurður, Margrét, Oddur & Anna Björg
Oddur Ólafsson (CEO) & Herdís Karlsdóttir
The view from the VIP room
Christina Mai & Herdís Karlsdóttir
Sóley Margeirsdóttir, Hermann Kristjánsson & Telma L. Tómasson